Friday, May 29, 2020

29/5/2020 KISE BHUL KYE HINDUO धर्म की लाज बचने वालो को भी पूछ लो🌹*यह सच्ची घटना भाव विभोर कर गयी*

डोरवेल बहुत ही संकोच में बजाई गयी थी,
तो मैं चौंका!!
कौन होगा..?🤔
दाई, नौकर, ड्राइवर,धोबी, दादा,
या सब्जी वाला!!
सबकी डोरवेल बजाने की स्टाइल अलग अलग ही होती है।
वैसे भी 45 दिन से अधिक चल रहे अज्ञातवास में न कोई दोस्त आ रहे न कोई रिश्तेदार।

गेट पर जाकर देखा तो मोहल्ले के मंदिर के पुजारी वयोवृद्ध पंडित जी खड़े थे।
चरण स्पर्श भी नहीं कर सकते थे,
(social distance जो मेंटेन करना था) 
सो ससंकोच दूर से ही करबद्ध सादर प्रणाम किया।
उन्होंने आशीर्वाद देते हुये पुराने किन्तु साफ-सुथरे थैले से मंदिर का प्रसाद निकाल कर दिया।
हम दोनों मुँह में गमछा लपेटे एक दूसरे को देख रहे थे।
पंडित जी ने कहा कि अक्षय तृतीया भी व्यतीत हो गयी, आज मंगलवार था,
पर आप नहीं आए। 
हमने वर्तमान परिस्थिति स्पष्ट करते हुये समझाना चाहा कि स्थिति आप देख ही रहे हैं। अब तो भगवान जब सब ठीक ठाक करेंगे तभी आना होगा।

तभी पंडित जी ने मुँह से अपना गमछा हटाया, वे धीरे-धीरे सुबकते हुये बोले कि आप लोगों के दान और चढ़ावे से ही मेरे परिवार का भरण पोषण होता है.....एक महीने से सब बंद है...भूखों मरने की नौबत है।
हमलोगों के लिए अन्य कोई व्यवस्था नहीं है........हमें भूख नहीं लगती है क्या??
हम भी आपके धार्मिक मजदूर ही तो हैं😢

हम उद्विग्न हो उठे......अपने परिवार को कोरोना से सुरक्षित रखने की चिंताओं के बीच इनकी चिंता ही हमें नहीं रही।
हमने उन्हें शाब्दिक सान्त्वना देते हुये...घर के अंदर आने का आग्रह किया।
सूखे कपोलों में ढलके आँसू पोंछते हुये...पंडित जी ने स्वल्पाहार लेने से मना कर दिया..
घर में सब #भूखे बैठे हैं, मैं कैसे खा लूँ ?

हमने तत्काल मोहल्ले की परचून के दूकानदार को फोनकर महीने भर का राशन पुजारी जी के यहांँ पहुँचाने का आग्रह किया तो पुजारी जी संतुष्ट हुये।
हजारों आशीष देते हुये बार बार पीछे मुड़ मुड़कर हमें कृतज्ञ नेत्रों से देखते हुये पुजारी जी वापस जा रहे थे ।

धर्म वाहकों का भी ध्यान रखें....सड़क चलते राहगीरों से हाथ फैलाकर भिक्षा माँगने के लिए इन्हें विवश न करें। 
मदरसों के #मौलवियों की तरह कोई सरकार इन्हें वेतन नहीं देती।
हमारे आपके आश्रय स ही इनका परिवार भी पलता है।
जय सियाराम । 🙏
🌹 *जय सनातन धर्म की जय । 🌹

* This true event was discriminated * Dorwell was played in a very hesitation, so I was surprised !! Who will be ..? 🤔 Dai, servant, driver, dhobi, grandfather, or vegetable !! Style of everyone's Dorwell is different. Anyway, no friends are coming in the unknown and no relatives. When visiting the gate, the priest of the temple of the temple was standing. Steps could not even touch, (Social Distance which had to do) Sleep Subsche did far away from the same. He blessed the old but the cluttered bag with the oldest bag. We were looking at each other in both mouths wrapped. Pandit ji said that Akshay Tritiya was also spent, today was Tuesday, but you did not come. We wanted to explain the current situation that you are seeing the situation. Now that God will come when all will be right. Only then Panditji removed his welfare from his mouth, he gradually said that you have a fill of my family from the donation and lounge of the people ... all of the closures from one month ... hunger is dying. There is no other system for us ........ Do not we feel hungry ?? We are also your religious laborers, we have been emerging ... they have not worried about their worries about keeping their family safe from Corona. We give them literary consolation ... urged to come in the house. Waving the tears in the dry couple ... Pandit ji refused to take the acceptance. Boleys are all hungry in the house, how should I eat? If we request the booklet of the immediate vocal church, then the priest is satisfied with the ration priest. Giving thousands of blessings repeatedly turned back and seeing us with grateful eyes, the priest was going back. Keep in mind even religion carriers .... Do not constrain them to ask for a bribe by spreading the road from the road. No government pays them like # clue of madarsas. Their family also gets our family. Jai Siyaram 🙏 🌹 * Jai Sanatan Dharma Jai 🌹
* This true event was discriminated * Dorwell was played in a very hesitation, so I was surprised !! Who will be ..? 🤔 Dai, servant, driver, dhobi, grandfather, or vegetable !! Style of everyone's Dorwell is different. Anyway, no friends are coming in the unknown and no relatives. When visiting the gate, the priest of the temple of the temple was standing. Steps could not even touch, (Social Distance which had to do) Sleep Subsche did far away from the same. He blessed the old but the cluttered bag with the oldest bag. We were looking at each other in both mouths wrapped. Pandit ji said that Akshay Tritiya was also spent, today was Tuesday, but you did not come. We wanted to explain the current situation that you are seeing the situation. Now that God will come when all will be right. Only then Panditji removed his welfare from his mouth, he gradually said that you have a fill of my family from the donation and lounge of the people ... all of the closures from one month ... hunger is dying. There is no other system for us ........ Do not we feel hungry ?? We are also your religious laborers, we have been emerging ... they have not worried about their worries about keeping their family safe from Corona. We give them literary consolation ... urged to come in the house. Waving the tears in the dry couple ... Pandit ji refused to take the acceptance. Boleys are all hungry in the house, how should I eat? If we request the booklet of the immediate vocal church, then the priest is satisfied with the ration priest. Giving thousands of blessings repeatedly turned back and seeing us with grateful eyes, the priest was going back. Keep in mind even religion carriers .... Do not constrain them to ask for a bribe by spreading the road from the road. No government pays them like # clue of madarsas. Their family also gets our family. Jai Siyaram 🙏 🌹 * Jai Sanatan Dharma Jai 🌹* This true event was discriminated * Dorwell was played in a very hesitation, so I was surprised !! Who will be ..? 🤔 Dai, servant, driver, dhobi, grandfather, or vegetable !! Style of everyone's Dorwell is different. Anyway, no friends are coming in the unknown and no relatives. When visiting the gate, the priest of the temple of the temple was standing. Steps could not even touch, (Social Distance which had to do) Sleep Subsche did far away from the same. He blessed the old but the cluttered bag with the oldest bag. We were looking at each other in both mouths wrapped. Pandit ji said that Akshay Tritiya was also spent, today was Tuesday, but you did not come. We wanted to explain the current situation that you are seeing the situation. Now that God will come when all will be right. Only then Panditji removed his welfare from his mouth, he gradually said that you have a fill of my family from the donation and lounge of the people ... all of the closures from one month ... hunger is dying. There is no other system for us ........ Do not we feel hungry ?? We are also your religious laborers, we have been emerging ... they have not worried about their worries about keeping their family safe from Corona. We give them literary consolation ... urged to come in the house. Waving the tears in the dry couple ... Pandit ji refused to take the acceptance. Boleys are all hungry in the house, how should I eat? If we request the booklet of the immediate vocal church, then the priest is satisfied with the ration priest. Giving thousands of blessings repeatedly turned back and seeing us with grateful eyes, the priest was going back. Keep in mind even religion carriers .... Do not constrain them to ask for a bribe by spreading the road from the road. No government pays them like # clue of madarsas. Their family also gets our family. Jai Siyaram 🙏 🌹 * Jai Sanatan Dharma Jai 🌹*यह सच्ची घटना भाव विभोर कर गयी*

डोरवेल बहुत ही संकोच में बजाई गयी थी,
तो मैं चौंका!!
कौन होगा..?🤔
दाई, नौकर, ड्राइवर,धोबी, दादा,
या सब्जी वाला!!
सबकी डोरवेल बजाने की स्टाइल अलग अलग ही होती है।
वैसे भी 45 दिन से अधिक चल रहे अज्ञातवास में न कोई दोस्त आ रहे न कोई रिश्तेदार।

गेट पर जाकर देखा तो मोहल्ले के मंदिर के पुजारी वयोवृद्ध पंडित जी खड़े थे।
चरण स्पर्श भी नहीं कर सकते थे,
(social distance जो मेंटेन करना था) 
सो ससंकोच दूर से ही करबद्ध सादर प्रणाम किया।
उन्होंने आशीर्वाद देते हुये पुराने किन्तु साफ-सुथरे थैले से मंदिर का प्रसाद निकाल कर दिया।
हम दोनों मुँह में गमछा लपेटे एक दूसरे को देख रहे थे।
पंडित जी ने कहा कि अक्षय तृतीया भी व्यतीत हो गयी, आज मंगलवार था,
पर आप नहीं आए। 
हमने वर्तमान परिस्थिति स्पष्ट करते हुये समझाना चाहा कि स्थिति आप देख ही रहे हैं। अब तो भगवान जब सब ठीक ठाक करेंगे तभी आना होगा।

तभी पंडित जी ने मुँह से अपना गमछा हटाया, वे धीरे-धीरे सुबकते हुये बोले कि आप लोगों के दान और चढ़ावे से ही मेरे परिवार का भरण पोषण होता है.....एक महीने से सब बंद है...भूखों मरने की नौबत है।
हमलोगों के लिए अन्य कोई व्यवस्था नहीं है........हमें भूख नहीं लगती है क्या??
हम भी आपके धार्मिक मजदूर ही तो हैं😢

हम उद्विग्न हो उठे......अपने परिवार को कोरोना से सुरक्षित रखने की चिंताओं के बीच इनकी चिंता ही हमें नहीं रही।
हमने उन्हें शाब्दिक सान्त्वना देते हुये...घर के अंदर आने का आग्रह किया।
सूखे कपोलों में ढलके आँसू पोंछते हुये...पंडित जी ने स्वल्पाहार लेने से मना कर दिया..
घर में सब #भूखे बैठे हैं, मैं कैसे खा लूँ ?

हमने तत्काल मोहल्ले की परचून के दूकानदार को फोनकर महीने भर का राशन पुजारी जी के यहांँ पहुँचाने का आग्रह किया तो पुजारी जी संतुष्ट हुये।
हजारों आशीष देते हुये बार बार पीछे मुड़ मुड़कर हमें कृतज्ञ नेत्रों से देखते हुये पुजारी जी वापस जा रहे थे ।

धर्म वाहकों का भी ध्यान रखें....सड़क चलते राहगीरों से हाथ फैलाकर भिक्षा माँगने के लिए इन्हें विवश न करें। 
मदरसों के #मौलवियों की तरह कोई सरकार इन्हें वेतन नहीं देती।
हमारे आपके आश्रय स ही इनका परिवार भी पलता है।
जय सियाराम । 🙏
🌹 *जय सनातन धर्म की जय । 🌹


* This true event was discriminated * Dorwell was played in a very hesitation, so I was surprised !! Who will be ..? 🤔 Dai, servant, driver, dhobi, grandfather, or vegetable !! Style of everyone's Dorwell is different. Anyway, no friends are coming in the unknown and no relatives. When visiting the gate, the priest of the temple of the temple was standing. Steps could not even touch, (Social Distance which had to do) Sleep Subsche did far away from the same. He blessed the old but the cluttered bag with the oldest bag. We were looking at each other in both mouths wrapped. Pandit ji said that Akshay Tritiya was also spent, today was Tuesday, but you did not come. We wanted to explain the current situation that you are seeing the situation. Now that God will come when all will be right. Only then Panditji removed his welfare from his mouth, he gradually said that you have a fill of my family from the donation and lounge of the people ... all of the closures from one month ... hunger is dying. There is no other system for us ........ Do not we feel hungry ?? We are also your religious laborers, we have been emerging ... they have not worried about their worries about keeping their family safe from Corona. We give them literary consolation ... urged to come in the house. Waving the tears in the dry couple ... Pandit ji refused to take the acceptance. Boleys are all hungry in the house, how should I eat? If we request the booklet of the immediate vocal church, then the priest is satisfied with the ration priest. Giving thousands of blessings repeatedly turned back and seeing us with grateful eyes, the priest was going back. Keep in mind even religion carriers .... Do not constrain them to ask for a bribe by spreading the road from the road. No government pays them like # clue of madarsas. Their family also gets our family. Jai Siyaram 🙏 🌹 * Jai Sanatan Dharma Jai 🌹

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