वो घोड़े समर भवानी के, लक्ष्मी बाई मर्दानी के।
तू चूक गया लिखते- लिखते कुछ पन्ने अमर कहानी के।।
तू एक उछाल हुमक भरता, नाले पर उतर जाता।
घोड़े बस इतना कर जाता चाहे अगले पल मर जाता।।
वो घोड़े समर भवानी के...........
क्या उस दिन तेरी काठी पर असवार सिर्फ महारानी थी।
क्या अपना बेटा लिए पीठ पर केवल झांसी की रानी थी।।
घोड़े तू शायद भूल गया, भावी इतिहास पीठ पर था।
हे अश्व काश समझा होता भारत का भाग्य पीठ पर था।।
साकार क्रान्ति सचमुच उस दिन तुझ पर कर रही सवारी थी।
हे अश्व काश समझा होता वो घड़ी युगों पर भारी थी।।
तेरे उस एक फैसले से भारत का भाग्य बदल जाता।
घोड़े बस इतना कर जाता नाले पार उतर जाता।।
ओ घोड़े समर भवानी के...........
हे अश्व काश उस दिन तूने चेतक को याद किया होता।
और नाले पर ठिठके पांवों में थोड़ा उन्माद भरा होता।।
चेतक भी यूं ही ठिठका था, राणा सरदार पीठ पर था।
था लहूलुहान थका- हारा मेवाड़ी ताज पीठ पर था।।
लेकिन नाले पार कूदने तक चेतक ने सांस नही तोड़ी।
और स्वामी का साथ नही छोड़ा मेवाड़ी आन नही तोड़ी।।
भूचाल चाल में भर लेता कर अपना नाम अमर जाता।
नाले पार उतर जाता चाहे अगले पल मर जाता।।
ओ घोड़े समर भवानी के...........
जो होना था हो गया मगर वो कसक आज तक मन मे है।
तेरी उस झिझकन, ठिठकन की वो चुभन आज तक मन मे है।।
हे नाले तू ही कुछ करता, निज पानी सोख लिया होता।
रानी को मार्ग दिया होता अन -भल रोक लिया होता।।
तो तुझको गंगा मान आज हम तेरा ही पूजन करते।
तेरे जल के छीटे लेकर हम अपने तन पावन करते।।
तेरे उस एक फैसले से भावी का लेख बदल जाता।
घोड़े बस इतना कर जाता नाले पार उतर जाता।।
वो घोड़े समर भवानी के लक्ष्मी बाई मर्दानी के।
तू चूक गया लिखते - लिखते कुछ किस्से अमर कहानी के।। Ji
Those horses are of Samar Bhavani, of Laxmi Bai Mardani.
You missed while writing some pages of the immortal story.
You would take a jump, get down on the creek.
The horse would have done just that even if it died the next moment.
Those horses are of Samar Bhavani.............
Was that day the only queen on your saddle?
Was there only the queen of Jhansi with her son on her back?
Horse You may have forgotten, future history was on the back.
O horse, I wish I had understood that the fate of India was on its back.
The corporeal revolution was really riding on you that day.
Oh horse, I wish I had understood that clock was heavy on the ages.
That one decision of yours would have changed the fate of India.
The horse would have done just that and would have crossed the creek.
Oh horse of Samar Bhavani............
Oh horse, I wish you had remembered Chetak on that day.
And there would have been a little frenzy in the feet stuck on the drain.
Chetak was also stunned like this, Rana Sardar was on his back.
Was bloody tired - the defeated Mewari Taj was on the back.
But Chetak did not break his breath till he jumped across the drain.
And did not leave Swami's side, Mewari did not break.
By filling in the earthquake, his name would have become immortal.
Would have crossed the drain even if he would have died the next moment.
Oh horse of Samar Bhavani............
Whatever was meant to happen has happened, but that fate is still in my mind.
That prick of your hesitation, stumbling is still in my mind.
O drain, you would have done something, my water would have been absorbed.
The queen would have been given a way but would have been stopped.
So today we worship you as Ganga.
We would purify our bodies by taking a splash of your water.
That one decision of yours would have changed the future's article.
The horse would have done just that and would have crossed the creek.
Those horses are of Laxmi Bai Mardani of Samar Bhavani.
You missed writing - writing some stories of immortal story.
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